Youngstown Poker

Youngstown Poker Texas Hold’em Tournament General Information:

Youngstown Poker is proud to deliver marketing information on conducting charity poker events by local non-profit organizations in accordance with Ohio Revised Code.

Tournaments start at 11:00 am and 7:00pm on all operating days.  Check the schedule at left for tournament times.  Every attempt is made to start tournaments on time.  As an incentive, there is a 25% chip bonus for players present and registering 15 minutes prior to the tournament starting!  Late entries will be allowed up to third blind level with a reduction of chips.

Tournaments typically last 3-4 hours.   Check individual event flyers for specific tournament information.  Pop and water selections for $1.00.

Cash Games. Doors open at 11:00 a.m.  $1/$3 Texas Hold’em tables run with 8 players max per table.



Must have quad 10’s or better and be beaten
Current Bad Beat Jackpot is over $16,750 (as of 12/28/24)!

YoungstownPoker Pot Limit Omaha (PLO)
Every Tuesdays of every month in 2025, starting at 4:00 pm.

Watch for updated flyers and additional info here.

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